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  • 美国CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模

美国CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模

美国CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模主要用于头部和脖子的放疗测试。

关键字:CIRS 002HN,CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模,美国CIRS放疗测试体模

  • 联系电话:王经理 13261731718
  • QQ咨询:2881699718

美国CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模主要用于头部和脖子的放疗测试。

美国CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模产品简介:

The CIRS Model 002HN IMRT phantom is designed to address the complex issues surrounding commissioning and comparison of treatment planning systems and verification of individual patient plans and delivery.

The CIRS 002HN phantom properly represents human head and neck anatomy in shape, proportion and structure as well as density. This enables thorough analysis of both the treatment planning and delivery systems. The phantom is constructed of proprietary tissue equivalent epoxy materials. Linear attenuations of the simulated tissues are within 1% of actual attenuation for bone and water from 50 keV to 15 MeV.

The phantom is circular in shape, approximates the size of an average patient. Tissue equivalent interchangeable rod inserts for ionization chambers allow for point dose measurements in multiple planes in the phantom and film calibration.* The phantom also supports film dosimetry with not only standard radiographic films but also GafChromic®media. Additional inserts are available to support a variety of other detectors including TLD’s, MOSFET, and diodes.

The Model 002HN accommodates one Ready PackTM 10” x 12” films in transverse orientation, two radiochromic or radiographic 10 x 10 cm films in transverse orientation and a stack of thirteen radiochromic films pre-cut to 63.5 x 63.5 mm in three different orientations.

The Model 002HN has an optional four Electron Density reference plugs which can be interchanged in five separate locations within the phantom. The surface of the phantom is etched with grooves to ensure proper orientation of the CT slices and accurate film to plan registration. An optional cranial bone ring is also available.

美国CIRS 002HN放疗测试体模产品特点:

Verify heterogeneity corrections

Correlate CTU to electron density

Check dose distributions in sensitive areas

Check depth doses and absolute dose

2D and 3D isodoses

Calibrate film with ion chamber*

Verify individual patient treatment plans

IMRT Verification System

CIRS IMRT phantoms are manufactured from tissue equivalent materials that mimic within 1% from 50 keV to 15 MeV for accurate simulation from CT planning to treatment delivery. The interchangeable rod design allows the phantom to accommodate a multitude of dose measurement devices such as ion chambers, TLD, diodes and MOSFET's in the same location within the phantom. Phantom cross sections accommodate GafChromic® or standard ready-pack films.

*NOTE: This product or an optional accessory of this product requires a CIRS dosimetry cavity code before an order can be placed. Please refer to the Dosimetry Cavity Codes document to identify the CIRS code for the probe you intend to use with this product.

The CIRS line of IMRT phantoms is compatible with the RIT 113 software for film to plan analysis. GafChromic® is a registered trademark of International Specialty Products, Wayne, NJ.