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  • 美国ARA  PM2.5旋风分离器

美国ARA PM2.5旋风分离器

关键字:ARA PM2.5旋风分离器,美国ARA PM2.5旋风分离器,PM2.5旋风分离器

  • 联系电话:王经理 13261731718
  • QQ咨询:2881699718

美国ARA  PM2.5旋风分离器产品简介:

The ARA VIS-A (Vortex Inversion Separator) is a precision engineered and compact sharp-cut cyclone fitted to the N-FRM inlet that physically selects particles 2.5 microns and below. This ensures precise measurement of only the PM2.5 size fraction.  The PM2.5 separator is designed to operate at 1 cubic meter per hour (16.67 liters per minute) and requires the ARA PM10 omnidirectional inlet to collect accurate PM2.5 samples.

PN 520-000